Recent Events & Activities CATHOLICATE DAY CELEBRATION 2024

Let us praise the Almighty for enabling our holy Church, founded by St. Thomas, the Apostle, to thrive in the midst of manifold challenges and crises. The Catholicate of the East is the symbol of the apostolic heritage, identity and indigenous character of the Malankara Church. Catholicate Day or Sabha Dinam is set apart to recollect the significance and value of the Catholicate and to pray for the Church. In 2024, The Catholicate Day falls on Sunday 17 March, the 36th day of the Great Lent. It is our ardent wish that the Catholicate Day observance be a blessed occasion to grow in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, for the renewal of families, sanctification of our spiritual life and above all the transformation in our personal life. Special prayers for the Church shall be offered on the day during Holy Qurbana. Catholicate flag shall be hoisted and all shall take the Catholicate Day pledge.